Office Signs

––––– Attractive Lobby Signs

Make a good first impression on visitors

Office signs play a crucial role in enhancing communication, organization, and aesthetics within a workplace environment. They serve as visual cues that provide information, guide individuals, promote safety, reinforce branding, ensure compliance, and offer general information.

Wayfinding Signs

Wayfinding signs help individuals navigate through a building or office complex. They include directional signs, floor maps, arrows, and exit signs.

Identification Signs

hese signs are used to identify specific areas, rooms, or departments within an office. They can include room number signs, nameplates, office door signs, and directory boards.

Safety Signs

Safety signs are essential for promoting a safe work environment. They include caution signs, warning signs, emergency evacuation signs, and fire exit signs. These signs help prevent accidents, inform about potential hazards, and guide individuals during emergencies.

Branding Signs

Branding signs reinforce a company’s brand identity and create a cohesive visual experience. They include logo signs, mission statement signs, wall graphics, and reception area signs. These signs contribute to a professional and consistent image of the organization.

Compliance Signs

Compliance signs ensure adherence to legal and regulatory requirements. They include signs indicating safety regulations, accessibility information, or environmental guidelines.

Informational Signs

Informational signs provide general information to employees, visitors, or clients. They can include signs displaying company policies, opening hours, office rules, or upcoming events.

The Benefits of Office Signage & Graphics

brand icon


Office signage can be used to reinforce branding and identity, making it easier for people to recognize and remember your company.

Personal Services icon

Directional guidance

Signage can help direct visitors and employees to the right location within the office. This helps to reduce confusion and frustration, and can save time and effort.

Property management

Safety and compliance

Signage can help communicate important safety information, such as fire exits and emergency procedures, as well as comply with legal requirements.

Profesional Services icon


Well-designed signage can enhance the overall professional appearance of an office and give a good impression to visitors.

Office signage is a widely used tool in many other sectors as well, where clear communication and efficient navigation are essential.

Industries That Use Office Signs

real estate icon

Financial Institutions

safety icon

Technology Companies

Property management

Manufacturing and Industrial Facilities

Make the first impression on visitors with attractive Office Signs

Lobby signs are crucial in forming a brand image, first impressions matter in business. It’s wise to showcase your company’s logo in the lobby or board rooms to make it look more professional. A prominent and sophisticated sign plays a noteworthy role in making your business grow and in attracting more clients as it gives people a sense of reliability in your company. At Influence Signs and Graphics, we will give you a variety of custom lobby signs to choose from.

You will always have the perfect solutions to make your workplace more attractive. Call us today to speak with a graphics expert and get a complimentary quote.

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Areas Served





Maple Ridge

New Westminster

North Vancouver

Pitt Meadows

Port Coquitlam

Port Moody





West Vancouver

White Rock

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